person showing two other people a marking on a piece of wood at a table event

Campus as a Living Lab

Two people walking along a pond within the ecological preserve

UCI’s Campus as a Living Lab (CLL) program is a hybrid seminar and internship experience that offers a unique interdisciplinary opportunity for undergraduates to become sustainability leaders on campus while preparing for the green careers of the future. The program is coordinated in partnership among UCI Biological Sciences, UCI Sustainability Resource Center, and UCI Housing Sustainability.

Students can participate in a three quarter seminar that introduces concepts weekly and applies them to our most pressing environment, social, and economic challenges. These credits qualify for requirements of the Global Sustainability Minor. Concurrently, each student partners with a UCI department to improve the sustainability of campus operations, systems, and practices through applied projects.

two women sitting behind a table with placards
wildflowers, notebook, Campus as a Living Lab logo, Now Recruiting 2024-25 Students and Placement Sites, applications close April 29

CLL Now Recruiting!

CLL is recruiting for its 9th cohort of students and placement sites.

For interested students:  All majors and years are welcome to apply. Through the application and interview process, students will be matched with a placement site relevant to your interests.

For placement sites: UCI departments, staff, faculty, or organizations are invited to serve as Placement Site and Mentors. Please have at least one project idea for students to work on through out the entire academic year.

What do Interns do?

The CLL program gives students valuable skills in project management, research, community outreach, and grant applications. Essentially it prepares students for the growing “green jobs” market. CLL students help UCI achieve its campus sustainability goals and gain recognition as a sustainability leader. On-campus projects make direct and substantial contributions to UC sustainability commitments.

Check out some site placements and projects students have participated in below!

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At the ANTrepreneur Center, Maya has implemented TerraCycle zero-waste program and monitors the use of compost bins to progress the center towards their sustainability goals. She also serves as the sustainability consultant for undergraduate startups and leads outreach events to highlight the importance of proper waste management in every stage of business.

Through the CLL internship, Maya feels “more connected to the business community at UCI” and “learned a lot about the study of sustainability [in] the business world”. She hopes to transfer this passion in sustainability into her investing and consulting career.

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At the Sustainability Resource Center, Brandon implements the Green Office Program initiative in several campus departments to analyze their workplace sustainability practices.

Through this CLL internship, Brandon has met his professional and personal learning goals in managing databases and communicating with professionals. He has learned how to communicate the “significance of sustainability” and teaches others how to take action. He hopes to apply these skills in his career interests of science policy and recommends students apply for CLL if they are “interested in making [UCI] a more sustainable place with others who share a similar vision!”

young woman in a circle

At UCI Dining, Katie leads outreach events to educate students on Dining sustainability programs, fair trade practices, and managing food waste. To reduce food waste in the dining halls, she hosts events to collect, measure, and display wasted food. She also conducts waste and sustainability audits of Dining locations on campus.

Katie feels that the CLL internship has helped her hone “interests in sustainability education” as well as given her “valuable experience in [her] field”. She enjoys the opportunity to apply knowledge and “have an influence on campus sustainability.” She feels prepared to apply these communication skills in her future career.