six people standing in an open field

Green Resources

The SRC provides multiple resources for check-out and takeaway that assist in greening events and greening your lifestyle. Please feel free to explore these resources and utilize the forms to request them. We will work to accommodate any request made, but some resources are limited.

Green Event Resources, light blue and dark blue background, waste separation signage and UCI Zero waste logo

The SRC has multiple resources available to check-out to help make events more sustainable. We have Green Party Kits with reusable plates, bowls, cups, and silverware. These must be cleaned prior to return. We also have waste separation bins available for events where facilities are not able to provide.

Earth Reps and SRC interns are available to help plan or lead community programs, and can teach DIY activities. This can include hosting Earth Reps as Trash Talkers for waste separation help at events.

light blue, dark blue background, Student Housing Earth Reps word mark, two women standing in front of a pile of trash.
dark blue background, yellow newspaper bin, plant, seed bag

UCI Housing has multiple locations of seed libraries. You can pick up free seeds of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers for personal or campus garden planting. Register your pick up at the link provided.

The seed libraries are located behind the Verano Place Housing Office, at the Arroyo Vista student garden, at the Basic Needs Center, and at the SRC. We invite members to collect and donate seeds from plants in their garden that have “gone to seed”

More information can be found here.